

  • Male or Female
  • Maximum age 35 years old
  • Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education from reputable university with GPA min 2.75
  • Able to work with computer
  • Excellent in written and oral English
  • Pleasant personality
  • Able to work as a team
  • Patient and love working with children
  • Disciplined
  • Preferably live in Depok

Tagged as: guru olahraga, guru pjok, olahraga, penjaskes, pjok


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Tentang Pratiwi School

Pratiwi School is a school that offers early formal education for children. There are three programs offered by Pratiwi School, including:

Preschool offers education for children aged 3-4 years (at least 3 years old in July 2011. The teaching and learning process at this stage takes place 3 days a week for 2.5 hours per meeting, namely Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Number of students which can accommodate a maximum of 20 people per class with two teachers or with a ratio of 1 teacher:10 students.

Kindergarten offers education for children aged 4-6 years. Kindergarten is divided into two stages; The first stage is Kindergarten 1 (K1) for children aged 4-5 years, at least 4 years old on July 31, 2011. While the second stage is Kindergarten (K2) for children aged 5-6 years, at least 5 years old before July 2011. The teaching and learning process at this stage takes place 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) for 3.5 hours per meeting. The number of students that can be accommodated per class is a maximum of 24 people with two teachers or with a ratio of 1 teacher: 12 students.

Elementary offers basic education for children aged at least 6 years in July 2011. The teaching and learning process at this stage takes place 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) for 5.5 hours per meeting. The number of students that can be accommodated per class is a maximum of 24 people with two teachers or with a ratio of 1 teacher: 12 students.

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