

  • Develop and issue educational content including notes, tests, and assignments
  • Supervise classes to ensure all students are learning in a safe and productive environment
  • Deliver personalized instruction to each student by encouraging interactive learning
  • Plan and implement educational activities and events
  • Prepare and distribute periodic progress reports and semester report cards
  • Attend parent-teacher meetings
  • Evaluate and document students’ progress


  • Bachelor’s degree in Education or related subject
  • Experience as teacher minimum 1 year
  • Passionate in teaching children
  • Good command in English with a minimum score of IELTS 6
  • Experienced in teaching with International Curriculum (for IB – IICS & Pearson – IPEKA BSD/ IPEKA Puri/ IPEKA Makassar CPI)
  • Work location: Jakarta/ BSD Tangerang/ IICS – Meruya/ Bekasi/ Palembang/ Makassar/ Makassar CPI/ Balikpapan

Tagged as: guru, pendidikan, sarjana pendidikan


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Tentang Sekolah Kristen IPEKA

IPEKA Christian School was originated from a deep concern of a pastor who witnessed the difficulty of many Christian families in finding a good Christian school for their children.

Rev. DR. William Hodaviah Hosana who was at that time the head pastor of Gereja Kristus Jemaat Mangga Besar (now Gereja Kristus Yesus or GKY) was very concerned about this matter and later God opened a vision to start a Christian school.

There are three goals of this vision:

  • to provide a high quality Christian school
  • to execute the Great Commandment from Jesus through education
  • and to give contribution for Indonesia by educating the nation.

Later this vision was supported by the Church Council of Gereja Kristus Jemaat Mangga Besar and on May 5th, 1978, they established “Yayasan Iman Pengharapan dan Kasih” (Faith Hope and Love Foundation) with the Notary Act #11, by Henk Limanow, a public notary in Jakarta.

Based on this decision, the preparation to build the school was initiated.

Thus on July 16th, 1979, IPEKA Christian School began to operate. Until now, IPEKA has 13 school locations around Jakarta, Tangerang,Bekasi, and outside Java (Palembang, Balikpapan, and Makassar) Namely: IPEKA TOMANG I, TOMANG II, PLUIT, SUNTER I, SUNTER II, PURI, GRAND WISATA, IPEKA INTEGRATED Christian School, IPEKA PLUS BSD Christian School. And also there are 4 schools outside Java, i.e. IPEKA PALEMBANG I and PALEMBANG II, BALIKPAPAN and MAKASSAR.

On August 30th, 1996, with the support and hard work of Ms. Lois Koerniawati, MRE., as the Head Coordinator of IPEKA Christian School and Mr. Drs. Heman Elia, M.Si., as the Director of IPEKA Counseling and Training Center at that time, IPEKA Christian School established IPEKA Counseling Center (formerly known as IPEKA Counseling and Training Center).
It is only by God’s grace that IPEKA Christian School become as it is now. Since the very beginning and along the way, God continues to provide His abundant blessings to this school. To Him be the glory forever and ever.

Sekolah Kristen