- Acts as a Subject Content Specialist (SCS)
- Expand the curriculum and course development to improve Department / Program competitive advantage
- Manage the coordination of overall activities of all SCS under related group of subjects for the comprehensive content development/revision
- Ensure on time readiness of teaching & examination materials
- Coordinate with RC or CCC, to integrate research and publication output into curriculum
- Develop Faculty Members under the Department/Program to develop the curriculum and courses
- Contribute to the creation of the school’s body of knowledge
- Increase the successful of global learning system implementation
- Assist the department in lecturer scheduling process
- Manage overall activities of a comprehensive content development in alignment with industry standards to increase employability of the graduates
- Ensure that delivery of the program is aligned with BINUS University academic quality standard, DIKTI’s standard and continuously improved to reach world-class standard
- Coordinate with other units, to promote the Department/Program in order to build more awareness to the competitiveness of the program, especially to prospective students, graduates, alumni and employers in the related industry
- Build strong and effective internal / external cooperation which support the overall objectives of Department / Program
- Education: Master’s Degree with relevant field of knowledge
- Jenjang Jabatan Akademik (JJA) : Minimum Asisten Ahli
- Master’s Degree : 2+ years of teaching experience
- Doctoral Degree : 2+ years of teaching experience
About Bina Nusantara Group
BINA NUSANTARA started with a dream and a sense of determination. Founded by Joseph Wibowo Hadipoespito and Theresia Widia Soerjaningsih, this education institution has gone through many stages, and overcome various barriers. It still stands strong and grand despite the competition.
Joseph Wibowo Hadipoespito was a man of simplicity and hard work. His well known success philosophy, the “3K Strategy”, has been instilled in the spirit of BINA NUSANTARA until this very day.
The “3K Strategy” stands for: Kesempatan (Opportunity), Keberanian yang bertanggung jawab (Courage with responsibility), and Kerja keras (Hard work). This philosophy still lives in the heart of BINA NUSANTARA today.
Along the way, Theresia Widia Soerjaningsih added a new touch to the BINA NUSANTARA institution. As a caring and affectionate leader, Dr. Ir. Th. Widia Soerjaningsih, MM. dedicated her entire life to the development of the education sector in Indonesia. Her touch was to add another ‘3K’ to Joseph Wibowo’s existing success strategy, thus forming the “6K Success Strategy”: The ‘6K’s’ are: Kesempatan (Opportunity), Keberanian (Courage), Keberuntungan (Good Fortune), Kemauan (Willingness), Kerja keras (Hard work), Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan (Belief in God).
The name BINA NUSANTARA was given by Rudy Poerwana. Literally the name means ‘Building the Archipelago’. This name holds the aspiration that this institution can build and develop the islands of Indonesia through education. That dream still lives on until to this very day.